Thursday, January 31, 2008

ache-y throat craves chocolate.

its been unbearably cold in southern california as of late.  for us that means windy rainy weather in the mid to upper 50s (degrees fahrenheit for my foreign readers).  in any case, this means only one thing: every other s.o.b. on the street is sick.  and i think for  the last week, i've been harboring these flu germs and my body has been putting up a valiant fight for my good health.  the war however, is not over.

today i experienced a throat ache and coughyness (yes, that is a technical term.)  feeling rather fatigued i wanted my usual dark chocolate pick me up.  but congestion and chocolate are sworn enemies, what to do, what to do?

what i did!

cold proof cocoa
cayenne hot chocolate - serves 1

1 packet instant hot chocolate, preferably a rich/dark chocolate flavor
1 square of a bar of good dark chocolate, finely grated
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
7 oz water.

1) boil water. i used a tea kettle.
2) in a mug combine the cayenne pepper, hot chocolate mix, and grated chocolate.
3) add water to mug, making sure to stir as you do.  keep stirring until all ingredients are dissolved. voila!

the chili adds just enough bite to the chocolate to keep it from coating your throat and making you feel stuffier - i feel better already! my inspiration? the film chocolat in which chocolate proves a remedy for everything. who'd have thunk? me, that's who!

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